Theatre and Film
From performing in and operating tech for improvised plays to deep dives into Shakespeare and the classics, these invaluable theatrical experiences have not only shaped me into being a creatively driven individual, but have allowed me to step outside my comfort zone and explore new territories.
I look to translate these experiences into my work as an engineer in the entertainment industry, developing rich stories and unique methods of telling them with innovative design.
Portraying Shamrayev
The Seagull, October 2021
Scenic Construction
Purdue Department of Theatre
Working alongside my peers in Technical Direction and Design and Production, I have developed skills in scenic carpentry, rigging, and drafting for the stage. I have had the opportunity to craft custom set pieces for a variety of university productions and collaborate with multiple disciplines within theatre. As a shop carpenter, I have led teams to build and rig scenic units, aided in training new employees, and adapted construction techniques to meet changing production needs.

Completed Set for Faustus: That Damned Woman
(November 2023)
Acting Training
Orange County School of the Arts
OCSA, or the Orange County School of the Arts, is a pre-professional arts school in Southern California with twenty unique arts conservatories, ranging from classical dance to culinary arts and hospitality, digital media to popular music. As a student in the Acting Conservatory, I received over nine hours of training in the art each week, not including rehearsal time or performance.
My courses included an exploration of many styles of performance, such as Meisner, Adler, Stanislavski, Boleslawski, Strasberg, Chekhov, Brecht, Uta Hagen, and more. Furthermore, I gained skills in classical theatre, such as Greek, Shakespearean, and mask theatre. Broader skill training included improv, dance, movement, vocal techniques, stage combat, on-camera technique, and audition technique. The program also allowed for a great deal of workshops and master classes, including character development and portrayal with Anna Deavere Smith, on camera technique with John Michael Higgens, and scene development with James Bundy.

"To bait fish withal..." from The Merchant of Venice
Performed in Stratford upon Avon, April 2022
Improvised Performances
Improv Plays
Improvised plays are a type of long-form narrative improv. These 90 to 120 minute pieces are each structured with a specific thematic genre in mind, ranging from British farce to 1950’s sci-fi b-movies. I performed in shows with no more than information than three audience suggestions.
These plays required an intense commitment to listening, collaborating, and creating a unique story with my peers. As a part of my work, I completed a summer residency at the Modjeska Unscripted Theatre in Southern California, where I worked directly alongside the theatre’s repertory and production staff.

Just Another Day, John Hughes Improvised Films
Streamed on October 3, 2020
The Crazy Monkeys
The Crazy Monkeys, Purdue's premier improv comedy group, is one of the nation's largest collegiate improv group, having over 1,000 students in attendance at each show.
The cast further engages with the campus community in other ways, including hosting public improv workshops, participating in Mental Health Action Week, and performing at Residential Hall events.

Fall Semester Opening Performance
August 25, 2023